Joint and Muscle Care Made Convenient

With our convenient Virtual-First Physical Therapy, your team members can access the high-quality and cost-saving care they need. Our injury prevention and injury recovery programs help your team members manage their musculoskeletal conditions, and our screening and prompt referrals to physical therapists ensure your team members receive the care they need.

Virtual-first Physical Therapist directed self-care

Americans spent $134.5 billion on low back and neck pain in a single year – more than any other condition.* Many people with musculoskeletal conditions don’t receive the care they need, leading to higher costs down the road. Strengthen your benefit package with the virtual options that help your team members access care to manage their conditions.

virtual-first physical therapy


Our case management tool is available 24/7 on a self-service website, so your team members access care when and where they need it.

virtual-first physical therapy


Boost productivity and reduce sick days with virtual-first options that help your team members take care of themselves – without missing work.

virtual-first physical therapy


Our injury prevention programs can help prevent injuries (and work comp claims) through the use of specific exercises.

Treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions

Support the wellness journey of your team members by providing them access to a virtual team of medical professionals. With the guidance of a licensed physical therapist your team members will be appropriately assigned their recovery program through their PDH Virtual care app in addition to the care they receive from their primary care provider.

  • Neck sprain
  • Neck-related headaches
  • Neck stiffness
  • Neck and arm pain
  • Shoulder instability
  • Rotator cuff weakness
  • Shoulder stiffness
  • Tennis elbow
  • Back strain
  • Back pain with sciatica
  • Back pain with related leg pain
  • Back stiffness
  • Longstanding/persistent back pain
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Hip stiffness and weakness
  • Knee sprain
  • Knee meniscal disorders
  • Patellar pain
  • Ankle sprain
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Heel pain

The Process

virtual-first physical therapy

Identify the part of the body needing treatment.

virtual-first physical therapy

Answer a few short questions.

virtual-first physical therapy

Complete the virtual initial intake with a licensed physical therapist.

virtual-first physical therapy

Receive your research-based exercise recovery plan immediately.

virtual-first physical therapy

Attend a virtual follow-up visit with a licensed physical therapist for your recovery review.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Why should employers use Primary Digital Health’s virtual-first physical therapy?

A: Many people live with pain that they don’t know how to resolve. Taking medication manages the symptoms temporarily but introduces new risks. PDH’s virtual-first physical therapy pinpoints the source and puts the power to heal in your hands. No more waiting, no more wondering, no more pain.

Q: How does the self-service portion of virtual-first physical therapy work?

A: The PDH self-service option is a HIPAA-compliant pattern-recognition tool that identifies common pain patterns that can be treated with physical therapy strategies. The tool then creates a personalized series of therapeutic exercises designed to empower you to gently alleviate the pain.

The PDH self-service tool was developed by licensed physical therapists who have observed that consistency, current research and patient empowerment are critical to achieving positive results. A licensed physical therapist will engage with your team members at the initiation and completion of each PDH recovery plan to ensure we are expediting the most efficient and effective care plan.

Q: Can my team member still see a physical therapist for formal visits vs. use of the self-directed program between the initiative and completion visits with a licensed physical therapist?

A: Yes!  If the licensed physical therapist your team member sees in the initial introductory visit to self care feels 1:1 formal physical therapy is required, they will refer you to telehealth physical therapy or an in clinic physical therapy provider.

Q: Is this portal registered with the FDA?

A: Yes! This portal is an FDA Type 1 Registered Software as a Medical Device (SAMD). We operate as if we were a more stringent Type 2 – 510(k) device and maintain a Quality Management System to ensure not only a great product, but also the safety of consumers using the product.

Q: When can my organization start?

A: Now! Physical therapy changes lives every day.

Q: Will my information be safe?

A: The PDH portal is HIPAA and HITECH compliant. It’s also HITRUST certified, ensuring your data is safe and secure.